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Model Publication Scheme

The Model Publication Scheme and associated Guidance is published by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform in accordance with Section 8 of the FOI Act 2014.

Section 8(2) of the Act sets out what shall be included in a publication scheme and Section 6 of the Code of Practice provides for additional items to be published by FOI bodies. Together the Model Publication Scheme and Guidance takes account of all of these requirements and provides for proactive publication by FOI bodies of official information.

The Model Publication Scheme and Guidance underwent a number of consultations including:

  • Consultation with FOI bodies
  • Discussion at FOI Network Meetings
  • Consultation with the Office of the Information Commissioner
  • Public Consultation

In accordance with Section 8(3) of the FOI Act, each FOI body must complete its own Publication Scheme, based on the Model Publication Scheme, not later than 14 April 2016.

Model Publication Scheme


Model Publication Scheme July 2016 191.79 KB 3209 downloads
