Ballraíocht Ar | Déan Teagmháil Linn


FOI Training Framework

The provision of consistent and appropriate training to FOI Officers, Researchers, Decision Makers and Internal Reviewers is an essential element to the proper functioning of FOI. One of the commitments of the Code of Practice was that the Central Policy Unit in the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform would provide a framework for the delivery of training. This multi-supplier framework is in place, this provides for both basic and advanced training. The framework has 5 members among whom FOI bodies can with the assistance of the Office of Government Procurement run mini completions to acquire training.

Below is an outline of the user guide for this framework, this outlines the details of the providers and how you acquire training. All FOI bodies should use this framework to acquire FOI training, the framework has agreed prices which are set over the life of the agreement which is four years and during this time the framework members cannot exceed these prices.

This framework allows for training to be tailored to meet the needs of the FOI bodies and it provides a means for the monitoring of the delivery and expenditure in this area and is for all FOI Bodies.



(English) FOI NASF Lot 2 2023 59.27 KB 20 downloads


(English) FOI NASF Lot 1 2023 56.80 KB 22 downloads


    Freedom of Information Presentations

    As part of ongoing support, the Central Policy Unit from time to time delivers presentations at external conferences to assist FOI bodies in understanding their responsibilities in relation to the FOI legislation. The slides presented at such events are accessible below.



    FOI Presentation November 2015 107.97 KB 230 downloads


    FOI Presentation to OGP Oct 2015 1.74 MB 134 downloads


    FOI Model Publication Scheme 109.91 KB 150 downloads


      General Data Protection Regulation

      Presentation given at an information session for the public sector on the “Application of EU Data Protection Regulation” by the Department of Justice and Equality – 07 March 2016

      Data Protection Regulation Presentation

      Re-use of Public Sector Information

      The Directive has been transposed into Irish law by Statutory Instrument (SI) European Communities (Re-Use of Public Sector Information) Regulations 2005 (SI 279 of 2005) which places an obligation on public sector bodies to provide information about material that they are prepared to release under the Directive, to the benefit of re-users, with the aim of boosting economic activity.

      The Regulations also give powers to the Minister of Finance to require public sector bodies to supply information to him and to specify the format.

      Circular 16/15: Re-use of Public Sector Information – Criteria for charges that may be applied by certain categories of public service body in permitting re-use of information

      More information can be found at :

      Briefing Sessions

      As part of the roll out for the Freedom of Information Act 2014 the Central Policy Unit delivered a number of briefing sessions to assist FOI bodies in understanding the changes in the legislation and the Code of Practice. The slides that were presented are below also.



      Briefing on FOI Code of Practice 160.64 KB 201 downloads
